Table of Contents


This blog may, if you’re really interested,  be read like a book, from beginning to present.

Each post is numbered, the number is a link, so you may choose posts in whatever order.



i. Chapter 1, Entry #1
ii. ”Yes, I am awake.”
iii. Circadian rhythms
iv. Just resting!
v. Our 25-hour day?
vi. Timing of sleep
vii. Sleep and OTHER daily cycles
viii. Warm feet
ix. Melatonin and the effect of light
x. Other animals
xi. My diagnosis!
xii. Circadian rhythm disorders
xiii. DSPS-sleep
xiv. THAT’s what friends are!
xv. Why don’t doctors know?
xvi. Treatment
xvii. Coffee break


xviii. Phase Response Curve
xix. Phase Response Curve (2)
xx. Entrainment
xxi. Is it life-long?
xxii. How to tackle DSPS
xxiii. We interrupt this program…
xxiv. A sleep diary
xxv. Live with it?
xxvi. Getting a diagnosis
xxvii. Two Japanese studies
xxviii. Some good news
xxix. Guest Blogger, not a morning person
xxx. Light Therapy, Practice Parameters, 1999
xxxi. Light Therapy Recommendations, 1999
xxxii. Chronotherapies for DSPS
xxxiii. Owls of the World, Unite!
xxxiv. Guest Blogger: Alan West
xxxv. Can one figure out one’s own rhythms?
xxxvi. PRC for melatonin
xxxvii. Daylight Saving Time / Summer Time
xxxviii. Eveningness vs. DSPS
xxxix. Guest Blogger
xl. The post-lunch dip


xli. Coincidence & update

xlii. Researchers mentioned here

xliii. Blindfolding the blind

xliv. Rods and cones and the “new” ipRGC (by D)

xlv. Some helpful links

xlvi. Guest Blogger: Breann Hays

xlvii. Distribution of early and late types (by D)

xlviii. Guest blogger:  Breann (again!)

xlix. 2009:  sleep logs (by D)

CHAPTER FOUR — where we welcome a co-blogger with Non-24

l. A Man with Too Long a Day (by L)

51. Melatonin: Less Is (Sometimes) More (by L)

52. 2010:  sleep logs (by D)

53. Light therapy: white, blue or maybe green? (by D)

54. Take a Nap! (by D)

55. Chronotherapy: balancing benefits and risk (by L)

56. 2010:  more sleep logs (by D)

57. Don’t call me early in the mornin’ (by D)

58. Gender differences in sleep (by D)

59. Clock genes at the heart of depression (by D)

60. Charting the course of N24  (by L)

61. Questions and answers about Non-24  (by D)

62. Psychiatric misdiagnosis of N24 (by L)

63.            Sleep research in the USA (by D)

64.            Circadian Sleep Disorders Network

65.            Sleep inertia

66.__       Blogathon: “Dear Diagnosis” (by D)

67.            N24 Awareness Day (by L)

68.            Guest post:  Non-24 — Not Just a Disorder of the Blind

69.             N24 Awareness Day 2014: Myths and Reality

70.             This blog’s stats for 2014 – by WordPress

71.              N24 Awareness Day 2015 or “How I spent my blogging vacation.”

72.             This blog’s stats for 2015 – by WordPress

73.             N24 Awareness Day 2016: Genetics, the new face of N24 and DSPS.

74.             Sad News

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